Garden Of Eden

20. 10. 04
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Those dog leads that extend, they allow your dog to explore a few times further and for you the knowledge that they will be safe, you can bring them back in any time you choose, that's good isn't it. there isn't one for the mind one as to be careful not to overstep the mark, so with one step at a time and always wondering like Russian roulet is it the next step that I leave what we call normal. how far would you travel to find the Garden of Eden. Bible Code, some say yes there is one, some say no, and though I need not really say some couldn't careless, it's a world gone of what interest could it be to us, the words ahead are as I see I know where I turned off that trodden path August 2002, I have this view so clear while you the heads of churches painted pictures of yourself, I did Actively seek and found little like the things you preach that you have spilt upon us, to keep your flock in You keep God out,  mindful each church had a job to do that would answer a question,  but for you to Stand and preach is fine right and good, but to hide in secret that you have one hand poised ready to grab hold of a fashion or trend, that's wrong but you will do it, drawn into a spiders web for the sake of keeping bottoms on seats, temptation and ruled your day.

the bottom of this page there is a goggle earth link that will show all place marks to this study clearer, it will also show places that are not on the maps bellow, there are many that will know this place, but You Don't, this Garden of Eden doesn't  fit with the story history will tell, and there lies a problem, because its still the story the same story just not the Safe Story, but that is the story of the Garden of Eden.

I have no knowledge of any of these places shown on the maps below, I have never been to any of them, it could just so easily have been a sq ft in a desert, so you may shout curse me tell me all that geography geology and history will tell and it will not change a thing for sure I am aware the places are in part known as an area called the Bible belt, that may or may not be relevant but even if it were, then not in way of the people, no the power is so much greater than that, it's in way of the Land the earth and a place that was always going to be reached, so it matters little to the things I say or show, and for many of the people living their daily life probably not to them either, the area is a little wide spread its line clear but threatened, while I am happy that many States are looking, What I want is parts of Alabama Mississippi, Georgia, Tennessee, all of those within the the seven points of interest that I will loosley call the fence, so one day you are told well done you passed you succeeded alternatively you failed and you can say passed or failed what, we don’t know of a trial or test, then read see and you will. My position seems unclear, I can not lie but I don’t understand the truth and maybe unless asked to explain what I did from turning the first page in Genesis that is how I would have to leave it, un-said. though I did not and will not Dismissively wave my hand. Cullman you will all ways be the center, even if not the center of attraction at this time from 2002 (Amendment from 2009) the monks of Cullman managed to leave at the exact time the job was to begin, I would say Go back it makes a difference, though do try harder to keep your eye on the ball. all other books and web sites will show you nothing they have nothing to show, they read from a, time before the world was ended, they read from a time when it was given back, but a mountain was then a mountain a river then a river with no name, the world ended washed clean the garden of Eden would never be found in the way others seek, be it geographical mathematics  but all when numbers so many they rain down on you geography mountains and rivers you see in your sleep and the bible you read from so alive you can feel a pulse, The Wind That Blew the ark, Blew to a new horizon blew in the direction of the sun rise and away from Eden

I produced a result where all others show nothing, not so much as a stick, no one, not from your highest leader of any church no breaker of codes no one, yet we choose to believe a handful of nothing and should you speak of that, then in their eyes you have no faith, but the truth should not be sacrificed the truth hold tightly in your hand and faith held in your heart, separated from our fellow man for a hand full of nothing,  I hope that no matter how strange you consider this to be, Please stick with it. you may have to read it a couple of times Though all this came about in a quick and unexpected way, I've looked and watched over this for some years, if you manage to get through this you will have seen more than some others would be happy for you to see, Monks of Cullman I'm not sure, it wasn't chance your early brothers settled there. Their first task many times harder than model making, that was a pass time, so when the acting is done and that even you yourself were so good you believed that was your purpose, it wasn't and doesn't even compare to a training day, those early settlers had a problem probably one that the real truth, being so strange never reached the surface that is why you were there, then the wait, for a date and time, but you never knew them did you, I followed all that I saw carefully check and double check only to land at your door step, those laws of probability and chance would say this should not happen, patient as I was I could never have expected you would leave at the very time you should fight, this Garden of Eden this root from which our life grew, if stood on the highest peak assuming I could see over you, what would I see. seven Places a river that was never going to have any other name, then further on the sound of water passing through a tunnel or cave. But read on see the maps places and how each one is it's own place that form the circle, the center is a very seperate but important part that only all together they would find with the exception of one place that 's been knudged from it's position.



That are writers good authors and in order to get their word across in books, it has to interest the mind, I’ am sure a few have opened the mind of many, even if most they say is Fairy Tail it would still remain comparatively a drop in the ocean. Maybe things are not as you expected not as you wanted, so what, a change was told did you think sweetness and like, sunshine and roses, well it's not, you can't make a silk purse from a pigs ear, If you manage to get through this you will never have read anything that gets even close, I'm going to show places names distances, what I find difficult to understand how can it be possible we got things this wrong, in these things I say there have been many twists and turns I have not said, yet still there have been people that would use things I have to say because they saw a truth, even if those twists and turns are like a key they don't have. Everything: I say in this study I can and will back up, there are many that will not like what I say and that will be no surprise, I don’t wish to talk about those people in who God Blessed or maybe gave favor, since it is in those things and those people that we have sort separation from each other, most of what I say is not about religion, I don't wish to make war with the believed religions of others,  if I should attack verbally it is against those at the very center of our churches who were not wise enough to blind to see the evil that came through the doors probably bearing gifts, I now despise those who force people to see religion as being the well used tool with which we have all been brain washed into believing that anyone of them is the path that leads us to God, for most more generally at one had to do was place them in the location they had to be.emotional times in their lives. While some will protect their Religion and others say their way of life to avoid use of the R word, maybe that is wisdom caution, one can see this would be a disappointment to the church of those people, but if you can not take fresh fruit from a tree, that is not reason enough to settle for rotten fruit, even if history will show we have, of course with an understanding to the wise and intellectual that you then walk away empty handed, OH no all safe guards are in place they would say, We Dragged the church along with us in hope we would find a question that best fits any of the hundred answers. The map you see below has seven points, like taking a star formation from the sky then placing it on earth, by that I mean the points were already designated, all one had to do was place them in the location they had to be.  

    garden of eden secrets       



The first and second picture are the same, the one on the left is the original map, I had read something in my bible that gave me reason to look at a map but little was further from my mind than the Garden of Eden, I'd been wondering about this shape with seven points It was quite strange since I knew the shape and that distances would be equal, then later that it would correspond to that area and that all I would need to see would be within the seven points though the lines were not crossed back then I did not know that had to be done, I didn't know I would be in search of a place at the center, Here I will show you places that are being pointed out to us, that does not mean God designed and constructed, man did that, with a hidden knowledge that they are there and were Always going to be, they do not fit anywhere else on earth, God knows I have tried, if only to go along with all that history tells us, but they don’t fit, this is it, this is where they are meant to be, like a world in reverse how can it be possible that early text can say of this place and all that is there, mysteries un-answered real Questions that man has longed for an answer to sit on this land on this world of ours, some of those things we are happy to face and take comfort that they are there, then of course other things that want so badly to be described as the other side of the coin, that would give them identity, things made evil by man in worship like a book known as the devils bible and many others, they want that you fear their existence enough that you will not call them pathetic and that they know we can have and hold so much more.

If told a story for so long there is a chance you will start to believe it, but if your thought is that you can not see that how man in all these religions who say with a love of God can cause so much pain misunderstanding and hatred, then there is a good chance they got it wrong that the answer is not, OH YES The lord works in mysterious ways and that you are right to question and I would say that is better than to deny the existence of a God, that they the churches traveled so far they can not turn back. For the moment lets just keep this geographical, however by reading and seeing from a visual point and with a merger of the two one gets a very different understanding though that is a somewhat simplified version and was not at all how this began, that was much less understood. The crossing of lines from the seven places of interest show the given center though everything I had to find was within these seven places of interest, what I want is the truth, I also know that I do not chase diamond studded swords objects of gold or boxes that have long since rotted. Just knowledge, but a knowledge that would take me forward one step at a time, I remember saying those words to a script writer some time in 2003, he worked with or did work for the same studio that made the film the crystal skull, some time later hearing words very similar to those I had said, in the film along with much much more, but thats water under the bridge.

The grid references given bellow are correct and by now Ive got a fairly good idea where this is taking me where it is heading, so to find the names of those places set at equal distance was in itself strange, though it did not alter or confirm that my positioning was correct, there is also a location at each of those points that is not said 

Grid ref to all points are as follows

START LAT 30, 41 38 65 N LON 88, 02 29 67 W

POI 1 LAT 32, 28 75 37 N LON 86, 98 64 74 W

POI 2 LAT 32, 38 48 13 N LON 89, 07 15 06 W

POI 3 LAT 34, 41 32 80 N LON 89, 47 46 21 W

POI 4 LAT 35, 26 34 87 N LON 88, 17 36 53 W

POI 5 LAT 35, 58 53 25 N LON 86, 31 05 51 W

POI 6 LAT 35, 40 51 75 N LON 84, 23 50 49 W

POI 7 LAT 33, 51 59 53 N LON 84, 31 21 34 W

SEVEN STARS, CANDEL STICKS, CHURCHES. This part as been better than any, I can't begin to tell how satisfying to see the result of the mystery of the seven stars and the seven golden lamp stands that are the seven churches. one can't go this far into something like this and not then wonder if these locations were representative of those seven points, since some names of the seven churches are represented in all these locations, Why are some of those names repeated on the map I show, how do they get to be in the order they are in marked bellow, how can it be possible that revelations tells of exactly this, Who as what doctrine who hates, who as little patients, who's first love and let battle commence. That they will be removed to become a church that will do the work, seven stars seven battles that will tell of what you see now. and that each will be replaced by it's successor and for the reason stated in revelation, there are only three left that being the three on the map. THE Order in Revelation is 1 EPH, 2 SMY, 3 PER, 4 THY, 5 SAR, 6 PHI, 7 LAO, 1 moves 3, 4 moves 3, 2 moves 7, 5 moves 1, 2 moves 5, 6 moves 2, 1 moves 4, however there is a snag concerning one point and I'm not so sure what is happening, though it is still correct. Next battle Philadelphia and Smyrna Best I don't say my thoughts on why, I'm quite sure it' clear enough to work it out for yourself.

((CENT LAT 34, 11 17 37 N LON 86, 48 23 89W)) Odd to Odd Even to Even, though not 4 it as been moved from it’s location, Join 1&5, 2&6, 3&7; turn your map (1/4 to the right or 90 deg, now zoom in to the triangle, there were four things I had to see within the triangle at the given center and they were there all of them this is now not chance this is it, if any of those seven points were not in that exact location, this would not of been the center the names of the places and the order of their location are as Follows.

(1) Sardis. (2)Philadelphia, (3) Sardis,- - - - (4) / Sardis - - - -(5) Smyrna (6) Philadelphia (7) Smyrna 

My thoughts to these points were how long had they been named those names and who named them. I now also know all are relevant to what was a great river that the Ram watches over that river is the Mississippi,  place of interest 4 as been nudged from it’s Location and will become clear further on and yes I know it sounds a lot like I've entered the twilight zone and are asking you to follow me, I’m not it's just a book I'm reading the Bible and trying to cut through years of miss-interpretation.




We all know the things man has searched for throughout the ages Hollywood as named them all, even made up a few, but the life we lead today supposedly started though yes after one false start with the first sin, but even then false is not strictly true, since from there a man was found with an acceptable something, probably blood line to take the human race forward (Noah). So for a reason that seemed clear to me that being if we were starting a new journey why do we need to know about the old one, unless in the eyes of God something happened that was not part of the plan in fact a change so important it did have a big impact on who we are and less on what we think. on earth its not so strange, it happens in your garden every day. The tree in the center the garden the tree of the knowledge of good and evil I had to start there at the beginning, the start of physical and being and change one word, it has never been known what that word was so we casually called it the first sin, I changed it from the word that was put in its place, in order to give some reason to a story that would be shoved down our throat for a few thousand years, or shall I just say name it. But it could not be found in any normal way, there were just a few big challenges first. These things that heads of churches would make excuses for not telling or knowing, since with careful study they knew would lead to another question, that may make them God forbid put them close to agreeing in part with science, lt is not my desire or wish to change our worlds love of god.

GENESIS Chapter 4 yes we were interbred madly and to a point of being just that in fact and for us to be here today, That as to be alright. GENESIS God did not ask it to rain but it did, it was from there that God breathed life into mans nostrils, Plain and simple clean and clear rain was the fallen angel from which man was formed, water based life.


Why does God say that the serpent is more cunning, yes once again time and translation as played it’s part, man can not see God and it is in that the serpent is more cunning for God knows the serpent can see in a different way since there is no solid life form, that the serpent can see what man cannot, that then making the serpent the only creator on earth to Ever of seen God, it is for that reason a serpent is used to explain. and is indeed cunning 

I'm not sure how I'm going to word this next part but I'll give it a go, That serpent that was sent out from the Garden of Eden that will roll on its belly eating the dust of the earth till the end of time, better had since this is not a serpent; it is a river as seen from the heavens and when that river stops we will see change, don’t quote me, but I think you will find it as a problem that should be rectified, is it possible the snake really did get a raw deal but he’s a snake and really would rather you just leave him alone and walk on by, maybe not such a bad deal after all, I’m sure if they could speak they would say if I’m going to eat from you and I would rather not, I want to hear a heart beat see the blood run through its vain's taste its smell, and not something that died of old age from your freezer. 

Of all the life on earth and list of creatures that we have endangered toward extinction which will be the last to be seduced by man, Well it may or may not be the so called serpent, that we see as being a snake, Why? Did God Hide and protect the way to the tree of life , we were being punished yes we would have to live the life that God had said we should, thorn and thistle, until a time, though he blew the whistle to add an amendment with Noah but the rules never changed least of all that first sin . 

Eve used skill cunning determination and gave berth to the first intelligent thought and she certainly did that, I suppose on a lighter note, many women would say on that there has been no change, did she watch three other animals do something she knew she could do, I think so, after she had recognized her own reflection in the water she caught herself a fish, just as they had done, the animals I thought might be important to the study but I can not place them on the scale of time, they are a Bear Eagle & Leopard like cat. (Fish catches) at the water edge is Eve's contact with the serpent. The First Sin though it would of been no good to simply guess what one might of thought it was, that would always be a guess nothing but a guess and make no difference, it had to be said with full understanding and sure knowledge that it could be nothing else 100% and at a very specific location, to the meter 100% once you have understood the changes that I make from that point there is nothing you will not find, Gods earth was never meant to be complicated, the church did that to keep you confused and manage their business, I swept back, pushed back, and beat back to reveal a location and Succeeded. I now know I'm correct, but met with a wall of silence.

                            (Item 1)                                                       THIS LOCATION

        Inside the triangle                                   





(position center point triangle) above This is the tree of life to be chopped was simply to explain the difference between falling rain and what it forms when laid down a lake. To the right of the picture below is the base of that tree chopped, as in the map above Guarded to the left the image of two heads that which represents Good and evil , between those two points is root buried the time is Now I am right those four things are exactly has I expected to see and in the exact position and place not a meter out, though to be true I have not actually seen the fourth with my own eyes The root ( under ground I guess ) But It Will Be There and as described, challenge me and to you at the location of the lamb who wears the crown, I did not come across this in a normal way, but saw it all long before I reached it and in my head the absolute and sure knowledge that that is how it would be and look, what jewel do you have in your crown what is there and that does include the cemetery and to those who it concerns, I would rather be my own fool, than to carry your ignorance, that you want to preach and be seen, but on the understanding that God is like a plastic card in your wallet.








It doesn't matter now if you eat flesh no better no worse but if you will see it as being the truth, then from that point this will make sense. New world new beginning, But It is exactly the same rule given to Noah directly after leaving the ark with the exception that it was told to Noah, in the case of Adam it was being taught as though to an animal in a protected and safe place in which water was a danger (as with the ape) and of course after Adam & Eve had lay down together and enjoyed the closeness of each other on that very eventful day, God knew man and woman would go forward (not starve & have children) and that they would leave that place that God watched over us as we took our first steps on earth, they would stay close and follow the course of the river out of Eden, That being the start of things. 

THE REVELATION just a couple of other points and it doesn't matter if I say them or not 1;12 When John saw one LIKE unto the son of man, He Was Not Looking At A Man, he was looking at a snow capped mountain / canyon with it’s peak above the clouds at a very certain time in mans life on earth, the place that things shall be read that man shall answer for what he has done, of that I think I know the place but when its clear it will be just that, crystal. Genealogy I know this is just a small detail but amongst many other things Generations tells the age of puberty 13, the age at which man should have no more children 45, the age at which man may expect to live 85, There were Giants in the land in those days, ten times our size hence the ages in genealogy being ten times greater than we see now today, I think science would agree with those figures of 13, 45, 85,as being now, maybe not so much at any other point in recorded history  I'm neither historian scientist or mathematician, no phd scholarship or fancy words and little education, but not so blind as to not see that that many of you now look at what I say in hope that you can complicate and claim. I do find it strange that the churches choose not to give something tangible something to hold onto, that you can say yes positively Yes, there is a GOD, The places marked on this map are within certain time zones all are there as a church that form a fence, in order to go along with this study / code or understanding, you may have to at least open your mind, that maybe not the God you think you know and understand but someone somehow at the writing of the original text new things, but not by what we would see or understand as normal.

Noah’s grand father died in the flood and was part of those who's life God ended, however his father had died prior to the flood (before his father) since he was considered different and was taken and the bridge burnt 4:23 La mech did kill Enoch 5:23 Fathers of each La-mech METHUS (ELAH), METHUS (HAEL) was it relevant? was the debt paid seventy seven fold, yes. At some point on the trail of time those who study this, got lost in fancy words and scholarship it gave them a key they thought they would need, but not the one that opens the door.

I’m not familiar with all the names given to historic man but he was none the less present at a time when that coast line in the now Gulf at a place near Mobile at the mouth of the Mississippi would have seen nothing but fresh water and was very much in land. A place for everything and everything in its place.



I know there are those out there who have a great knowledge of these things, clever intelligent people who have made it their life’s work to know. Could it be the so called Garden of Eden is reforming day by day, (now for the big one) from my Understanding , the garden is in the same place it always was with the exception of a few global changes perhaps, Guarded by that which represents Good & Evil, tree chopped root buried also read Daniel 4:11-12-13-14 though this is tree chopped, the one as seen their stretches from the gulf right up to the Canadian border of which the beast is under and can not leave or move it must also be said there is no safer place on earth for this to be and that is Gods work this is the land a land that the description of the tree it’s leaves and all that it offers is the wealth and power of the land and yes the root is there bound in iron and bronze it will be there.

This image is facing west looking over the river, The Ram it is a water course a river, small horn to the front large horn to the rear, nudges always except east this is why place of interest 4 as been nudged from it’s position, I think the rising of water level from a place near will reveal the river with four heads the lost sea that would be a very difficult for me to show since it would need and height readings of the surrounding area and at the risk of saying it again I will be right. As seen from the heavens sits within the 7 places of interest. That front horn appears to dislodge place of interest 4 and there is a reason for it.

To the left blown up picture, the one to the right surrounded by the seven churches or places of interest / the fence though what you see there, are only five since the other two were just to the edge of the map, It is seen  from the heavens at this time in our life on earth, Some years ago I thought, I hope the dam builders don’t build a few miles north of the town of Brilliant, but I hear the area was flooded so I guess they did build. This had an amazing effect on what you see above, it seemed to open the eye of the image. A question I ask myself could it be possible that all of these water course were man made may be someone could answer that for me,? My plan should have been follow the water course in search of something (a ram) but it was the water course itself that was important as seen from the heavens if this were a sign then of a troubled time, then it would be one bought on by man himself. You should also be familiar with Daniel 8:2 / 8:8 there you will find the ram; small horn to the front, large horn to the rear, pushing always except (backward) east, hence the change we had between points 3/5 it is looking west over the river. The name Mississippi is also relevant to the seven points, there’s no myth no magic or fearing gargoyle that gave power to the heads of churches.

The ram short horn to the front long horn to the rear, nudges all ways except east it has dislodged one of the seven points that imprisoned it within the garden of eden, the places of interest are all the same distance apart 200Ks or should have been, I’m not sure what lies at the original position, of poi, 4  but it as been moved its place is just above and to the left of the small horn at the front, the reason will be something normal with good reason but it will not alter that it as been moved, I wonder what is there now (??? PLant Life ) no one as told me yet and I would like to know, There was an old battle wound on the face of Gods enemy, I know though it was not said, that it was done by a sword in the right hand of God from the heavens so picture in your mind what that would look like, it would be on the left side it would be high front temple to lower rear like with the green line on the image, it was done at a time when there was a lot of blood sweat and tears dug into the soil, I know little of American History but it is at a time not that long ago

The Bible is True, Accurate and Precise, but very very misread, who at the writing of the original text had the ability to see from the heavens? I'm sure I've said it before it's like things in reverse I actively seek the truth So if I were correct and I know I am then I have found the most Religiously significant place on earth, one that all other places on earth will pale at the side of, from a time when we had placed no other God before God. There is nothing I can not show nothing I can not find, everything was exactly where it should be and all within the seven places of interest our worlds true location of the Garden of Eden all within certain time / date lines all that was in the garden of Eden was in the Garden of Eden more importantly all Geographic s, all places on earth all things we can see and touch. By now you must be really struggling and I apologize, but I’m not an author / writer.

A line that circles the earth the whole earth; well it does so on a very precise line 36 degrees W and involves All of the lands (now countries) that would be on that line, Question ? is the circle complete or not, I seem to lose track who’s kicking who, is it called hatred or greed  I fully understand that things will change, that countries will form partnerships where there was’t, one and the opposite. but there is a current danger. Do you rember or maybe you just know of, that old song Doris Day Que / ca sera sera what ever will be will be, well maybe a word change the future is ours to see and on a daily basis.

Our churches are what we have to celebrate Gods work and we do that in many different ways with as many churches, make your church prey for world peace and do not place your vote hope and aspirations in the hands of warmongers. Symbols and fancy words have taken over, the hat the robe the cloth and all that goes with them mean little except to label themselves, the heads of churches that drink fine wine from crystal cut glass, they are little more than fancy hats with empty heads. For a good few years now I have said, then our church doors are locked tight, they say less something get stolen, this taking away your right to be alone along with your thoughts. But God would rather have counted heads than candle sticks no silverware was ever needed, a wall to protect you from the wind, a roof to keep you dry, for those who’s door is now unlocked and a church that appear spars it may not be a step forward on what would be a long journey but it is facing in the right direction. I remember saying these words to a person, something to do with a church or churches in Oxford England, then some years later hearing a friend had read those words at the entrance to a church near there (Whitney), a church that appears spars but God would rather count heads than candle sticks, of course I would love to believe that our talk did lead to that plaque and I’m sure for all who prey there, are guided by a person that sees clearly a path that leads to God. So happy is your spirit so great the prize of life whether in your dog or your child or any creature that walks the earth a lottery was won, that your spirit the spirit of God entered into a body where blood would run, there is no need to build a club select for the few no need to separate this fruit of life.

Many people around the world who have a dislike of the American people, many in parts of this world who’s misunderstood belief will say this USA is the place that Satan sits well maybe the time as come, they should say YES it is, but with chains on and in the hands of Good Americans that is exactly how it will stay and the fence built stronger this place is as described also in the quran same place and location, if they see what I have said I would say this to those enemy of American People, be sure really sure, more so than at anytime before, it would be no good to shoot the jailer and let havoc rule the world, Havoc on a scale beyond your very wildest dream, evil as a plan to deceive you and set it free, there is a big difference between a person and the soil he stands on. 
The American people have a taste for life to reach out and take from the tree of life and do not fear going forward, they are the true mixture of every race on earth who better would represent us as the human race, even if it is not their place to change all that they see and can not agree with, think? God brought and gathered them from all the corners of the earth to this place with a job to do, in recent years that is weak in the face of a loved one lost some blame God and loose sight of their Religion when they should be at peace with God, in as much as the loved one passed will be, that they no longer have the trials of life and in so many cases it is we man who are to blame for the loss be at peace with God and happy that he will not desert you.

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There is so much to say, so much I have left unsaid, mountains of it, we are all made for this life on this size earth, our size, the speed we walk talk and everything about us is designed for our life this head spinning thing has covered much and at times hard for me to handle, Life is precious but we got lost and failed to tell God that. This story takes me to a point a place on this earth that is there for all to see, I will find amidst the seven churches a tree that was chopped down the Bible says chopped that is how it will Look, guarded by that which represent good and evil life and death a root buried, how can you read a book with this many words that tells you the rules, what is good what is bad right or wrong like a map you simply follow the directions, there is no problem. But when you turn the final corner, you are in a foreign land so foreign you may as well be on Mars.


I wonder did the story go like this. your father says because I’m not going to be here forever, when I go I’ll leave you a note, it will tell you how to make a cup of tea, so you read it and the note tells how it is done, then according to your taste you add milk and sugar some will take it others will not, the sugar is the small white granules they look like white sand, OK we say, when I next see you I will ask you a question you should know the answer, so all goes well your children live a life of drinking tea their children and children’s children follow by example, life goes full circle and you meet again, your father asked did you do what I told you, they say yes we did what you told and generation after generation have always drunk tea in the way you say, what is the question your going to ask us, the question is what does sugar taste like, is it bitter or is it sweet, all is silent, then some say they never tried the white granules in the jar and could not possibly know the answer, some say they tried it but found it bitter to their taste, many of the children have different answers and you wonder how can such a simple question have all these answers, but when you look in the jar you see the small white granules of salt, you immediately understand where it went wrong . A few of the children did actively seek and search, they looked in other jars and got the answer, they were no better for being right no worse for having strayed. Is it possible that we have made our God into something that suits us? Something that he is not and does not choose to be, your church will not say that is true, because they are right and so are they all, they have had a life time of their flavor, but their faith and love of God is healthy and strong. what if I got to the center of the garden and tasted what is there, what would it be maybe evidence of a life that was left behind, proof of what is to come, maybe a way that we may all speak to God openly. Do I say all this because I want someone else to like the taste of the tea I have made? NO This place is the true Garden of Eden it is all there, its form is getting stronger and stronger and we need to take stock.


This country, there was a time when men in overalls paid the taxes that built this country, Steel, coal, engineering, the mills our leaders chose not to support them, now that is done by those who deal in Drugs pornography and gambling, it’s Billions and government will not turn their back on it, profit is more important than your future our community it does not produce anything it doesn't build anything yet every day TV is allowed to advertise this their junk in your home, it ruins families and tears away at the very fabric of society, they know it and allow it. Those same people will then eat away at your civil rights to fight a battle against all that they in their greed created less that problem wonders down their street ,you can not own a gambling site / business and offer an hand in the fight of deprivation and drugs that is to call you stupid pathetic and that you will take what ever is offered, no one will care more for you than the person that is there to help you he walks your mile, you should take that hand of friendship In 2002 the start of what you have read was marked out after reading parts of the Bible in an un-prescribed way when I use that word un-prescribed that is a way in which I see I understand and can see clearly a way that needs no explanation or translation from others who have been trained by those with blinkered vision, we together are this human race, many have this attraction for the words in our Bibles and books of religious faith, especially those words that they think let us of the hook, that enable a person to live a life that stinks of all evil and that five minutes before lights out can cry sorry, ask for forgiveness and that now in the blink of an eye everything is forgiven, or as though a safe-guard can say, Oh but it's all so contradictory I never understood, if I had I'd have been shining example of goodness instead of everyone's worst nightmare. no longer can we build something good on rotten foundations, well that being just a few points though the list goes. on and will not end


Everything will remain the same, we will be comfortable in the life we have and things we know, we will be happy that we are not strangers in our own world, I will see you, you will see me and all that we see will be recognized, those in positions of power will keep things that way for us, that nothing foreign or unrecognizable can be cast upon us and in them we trust. If asked why do you people live like this, we can say fear, because we destroyed whatever we touched anything foreign or unrecognizable we killed . But everything looks so calm and piece full, then take a journey through my veins were my blood runs like into the depth of a sleeping volcano and look carefully. Will we ever find piece, on this course this path the answer is No .
In this ever changing world that we live we are top dog king of the hill we have been for millions of years and if we were not as we are, then we would not have reached this far, to apologies for what we have been is pointless, then you will only want my blood, the blood of a warrior that got us this far. So lets all take a look at our book of rules, mine will differ from yours maybe we can talk about that, though even my own is not as it seems and difficult to understand, though there is no blame time as passed and the truth unrecognizable and in my mothers eye a tear, that we destroyed each other, bought on by fear. WoW where did that come from, I think all the earth, you a woman and you a man are beautiful just as god made, the filth the chemicals and all that inflict us, are ours.

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I heard that a university somewhere had created a rainbow under laboratory conditions, so I would suppose that test did not involve creating one over deep water. To the very best of my knowledge and understanding a rainbow will not form over deep water, only over shallow or near land. So if that were correct and God sends one after every heavy rainfall as a sign that never again shall he flood the earth and that if the earth was flooded, then there could be no rainbow what better sign could there be, if I were correct and I think I am then that’s just science, but who knew that a few thousand years ago, it also gives some sense or meaning to that old saying there's a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow, yes, it called dry land earth. THINK


The colour of burning coal are also the colours adopted by the German flag, it doesn't matter why or if the eyes of someone back in the days of the roman empire or its fall that the colours had a different meaning it matters only that the colours survived to this day and that they will rise again though not in war but certainly as a show of great strength, a palindrome ( B, M, W, V, W, M, B, ) a series of Seven folds from the V to create the symbol bellow it Shows two bats silhouetted against the moon in a square frame, in search of perfection or immortality.

A medallion known as the Charles V imperial apotheosis the cosmetics on the face of the medallion tell a story and the skeletal structure another, though I’ve never seen that and even if there were an X-ray I could not imagine anyone letting me have a peek, is this the shape of the skeletal structure, Tell me no, Though these things I have said are just a very small part only a taste of a few things I chose to say, the real list is as large as life itself, impossible to mend rectify or adjust since life goes on, for our sake to do better tomorrow is what's important.

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