
20. 04. 25
posted by: mel
Hits: 2042

Shugborough History            Shugborough - Estate and the Code

The Shugborough estate is the ancestral home of the earls of Lichfield. The estates massive 900 acres of land have become a tourist destination for people the world over. It as been the subject of many authors both from the journey taken by Thomas Anson with is love of the organised study of European architecture & fine art but more interesting for me brother George Anson with his love of the sea and of course the interest in finding the answer to the Shugborough code. Way back in 1624 William Anson bought 8 acres of land for £1000 not a lot of money today perhaps, Way back in 1624 a fortune, and to own such land would of been a great achievement in it's self. In 1693 William Anson's grandson decided to rebuild the house. His grandson was also called William he built a massive 3 storied house.

Then in 1745 the architect Thomas Wright added the pavilions which sit either side of the main house. It was the first William Anson’s, great grandchildren Thomas and George that influenced how the house would look today, sadly so much was sold in more recent years and for me a particular piece, I will say there was a garden ornament of some description that stood at the center of what was the old rose garden now I think at least in part the herbaceous garden. this I felt important while looking at the monument the Shepherds of Arcadia to which the code was inscribed. Thomas was born in 1695 a well traveled and well educated man a member of many societies given to exploring fine art and architecture over Europe this being where the work of Nicholas Poussin would enter into Thomas's arena. George Anson was born in 1697. It was George Anson the adventurous one who provided the funds to make the house at shugborough the way you will see it today should you visit any of their exiting open days. where the staff will make your day a memorable one. George Anson joined the navy when he was just 14 he became a great sailor a man of great courage and navigational skill, later on after many years of service to king and country Admiral George Anson. but maybe like so many that have risen through the ranks itching to be hands on,


The image to the left is that of Admiral George Anson a great sailor and circumnavigator of the globe completed while England was at war with Spain arriving home via China 1744. He defeated a Spanish Galleon Acapulco which almost sounds like one on one but a battle very much more bloody than that, which was carrying a lot of treasure worth around £400.000 his share / purse allowed him and his brother Thomas to make the Shugborough estate the amazing place we see today, all possible by those who Gave lost fought and suffered against battle and disease leaving 188 to return of 1,854 that departed, should we be reminded of that number when entering such a grand and beautiful house as that of the Shugborough Estate that 1,666 did not return home.


while I had taken the step of trying to understand the family mainly George & Thomas, it seemed difficult to grasp how do you spend so much time from home that will become your life, then to re-enter and take part in another, that life at shugborough will be so different. I can almost hear the doors slamming on George's return, though not anger but frustration, so much room to move around, a rest bite from the daily life of being personally responsible, his home of Shugborough must have been though foreign to him a place that he could truly rest.



Garden Of Eden