Shugborough - Estate and the Code

The David Stone Mystery
Shugborough is home to the Shepherds monument, the inscription has been a mystery for many years. Many have tried to decipher the code, and there are lot's of theory's on what it could be. This site will give you my theory on the shugborough code but unlike so many others I can give a location, the sale of land for the canal network did come at just the wrong time after putting so much into the work into the monument of the Shugborough Code the resting place, the pin point position is still there, what it holds would be the mystery, & try as I might the name Tava keeps coming back to me.


Shugborough Estate
This is an image of Shugborough hall the home to the most famous code in England's history. The Shugborough code as it is well known has had the attention of a lot of "wanabe" code breakers. For those people interested in reading about the Shugborough code now is your chance to read the truth.

Has the Shugborough code been cracked ?

In this study of Shugborough with respect I have to say I care little as to who Thomas George or any other being the one who commissioned the work, I do firmly believe that with a love the brothers held for each other the wishes of both are part of the code. This is the only answer the only one that will show you location and a reason, the pinpoint position is still there, a location just yards from the monument, who knows maybe just a small token that the shugborough Code was now broken. It is about a date a time celebration if you like of a time that gave the Anson family great wealth, the stars that brought him back home safely, it is about a man’s love of the Anson family home his family and all that he saw as being perfect. that was his Arcadia and the stars his shepherds, It is indeed a code it is not just writing on a wall the Anson’s were worth more than that, it is not a love poem as some suggest. He a sailor that could eat grit make men sea men with arms as strong as any you would find look to him follow him. As many as differences between the painting and the monument are what's to be followed in the code, a mirror image I hope you manage to get through all this, I'm not a writer / Author of any books, my mind was to see some of what he saw, to try with a passion and feel some of that he felt. I want to open up this myth and show it, show The Anson family as having done more than little to no purpose writing on a wall.   Being so close together in the sky, Pollux and its brother star Castor are easy to compare. Pollux is brighter and golden in color, while Castor is fainter and white. patron saints of sailors. Hyginus said that the twins were given the power to save shipwrecked sailors by Poseidon, the sea god, who also presented them with the white horses that they often rode.   

The Shugborough Estate is in Staffordshire England and for many years the home of the Anson family (earl of Lichfield) There’s a monument there relating to the four Shepard’s of Arcadia, a painting by the famous artist Nicholas poussin, it's said to be pointing the way to this mythical place of perfection Arcadia. At the base a series of letters that have no obvious meaning, they have become known more casually as the Shugborough Code. 
For many years now famous faces have looked at the code, in the hope they may be the one that gives it meaning, but couldn't  leaving the code unbroken. though for as many as sort an answer there will also be that many say they found the answer, others who specialize in a subject have tried to make links with their chosen subject, priory of sion, blood lines of Jesus for sure given Thomas ansons involvement and interest in these things they would be a main line to search or maybe the interests or the possibly believed interest of the one who commissioned the work if indeed it was not Thomas. George will have seen and done so much in his life at sea

The Code 

 This seems to lead us to a point, that if you are not a person that speaks or understands Latin, Knows of Greek architecture, fine work of art, or maybe a mathematician or philosopher, follower of grand masters secret society then you may feel excluded from the club of the select few and are unlikely to know anything about the code?. Well that’s not true at all, I would say it was just a question of time, Waiting for a time along with a question, a single question that was close enough to be one that was asked by the commissioner of the work, an understanding of his love of Shugborough and family and very importantly for George his love of the sea. George Anson returned in port with is haul of Spanish Gold 15 June 1744 an important date acknowledgement of his service, did he hold onto something and look at it for a few years, we won’t know that maybe something of a star system maybe even of Pollux & castor the heads of the twins Gemini the God who helped ship wreck sailors and gave them favorable winds of course Thomas may have been thinking of other things relative to that date 15 June was also a date he knew of, it was the birth date of the artist of the painting shepherds of Arcadia of which the monument was based on this being Nicholas poussin, a proposed leader of secret society as priory of sion, Born 150 years earlier 15.6.1594.



  Did GCHQ crack the Shugborough code or did they fail like many before them.

It’s about the stars that would guide him home to his place of perfection his arcadia as would these stories have been told to him By Thomas one group relative to that date would be Gemini the twins and that would be used as the painting and monument like twins the same but different, as with though not twins Thomas & George many people have looked at the shugborough code from celebs Bible Code writers & GCHQ, but what they say is wrong, this way that I say is a new different approach  


 The Shugborough inscription

Those Letters have no immediate purpose other than their shape Nicholas Poussin once said attention to line is of great importance and that is very much the case here, the first four letters are rounded, the second four are sharp, that's a simple means of separation. The D&M are nothing to do with roman numerals as some would say, the M is simply the end letter of the first half the of the alphabet, the 13th letter like a fold in a piece of paper The D is eight letters back, that being the number of letters on the main line, O,U,O,S, V,A,V,V, after three small moves with those letter that are the number of differences between monument and painting the two are a mirror image like twins but with their differences now the letters between the D & M are E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L, All letters are part of the 1st part of the Alphabet. Now E to O - F to U and so on though remembering groups of 4 are separate like four cloned Shepard’s that will become one you will then convert the letters to their numerical equal and arrive at (1, 20, 10, and 15). From here get yourself a map an old one of that time, I use the one bellow map 1700- 1763, on a map of 20 x 20 halfway across and three quarters up is where you will find England, since lines of longitude were very difficult to find in the years around this time, especially at sea but very important and of great interest to the Anson family, I’m sure many will have looked toward this great family to find an answer. I Start point 20 map 10 halfway across 15 three-quarters up England the same is repeated to a location from that square

I’m sure that somewhere amongst those naval papers or books of the Anson library of 1700s are his own theories of finding those lines and may well have given birth to the idea of the shugborough code in the beginning. In fact I think this whole thing in some small way a person be it 250 years later could have found a way back to Shugborough through this code, as I have. This was his and her perfect place, their Arcadia: Et in Arcadia ego: needs no explaining like to sit in a Rolls Royce and say I feel regal, as in Arcadia being possibly a mythical perfect place, it was their comfort that where ever he would be in the world with this code your heart will be here, you will always come home. our shugborough code our Anson family

 Shugborough Code answered along with a Key and a reason for being

The map below 1740 1760





Garden Of Eden